Friday, August 31, 2012

Kitchen Tin Cup Utensil Holder

It's been a long time since I've posted anything substantial, and I'm trying to remedy that. I've had a lot of changes in my life, and most are good, and making me evolve into a better human. Thank goodness! One of those changes is a re-shaping of my spiritual knowledge. I feel like we are supposed to be creators, and to that end, I want to keep using this blog to feature other creators, artists, repurposers, gamers (creators of imagination) and the like!

So, without further delay, I'd like to feature my creation in the realm of repurposing, for the month of September!

I've seen quite a bit on Pinterest (please, excuse my addiction) about re-using tin cans. It intrigued me, and I had a whole tote of them waiting for the creative bug to bite. They got in the way, they were shuffled around, moved from one apartment to another, etc. Until, eureka! I found what they were meant to be.

I decided to take the old door to a set of shelves, and create a vertical storage in my kitchen for utensils.

Here's what I started with, only with 4 cans:

First, I painted my board and my cans to reflect my kitchen colors. (Please, excuse my crummy camera shots in the beginning.):

Secondly, I drilled holes to mount the cans, and some cup hooks to hang other utensils from:

Lastly, I put the hanging assembly together. For this, I needed wire that was sturdy, looked nice, and would be able to handle being tied. I have several sets of ear buds, and so I snipped some old ones apart, and used that white-coated copper wiring to hang the piece:

What it looks like finished:

What it looks like filled with stuff!:

The only pieces that were not repurposed from somewhere were the screws used to hang and assemble the pieces! I'm super stoked!

This is my first repurposing project, and I'm glad it was so painless!

Some of my repurposing inspiration comes from Fab Rehab Creations. This repurposer goes some amazing furniture work, while being a stay at home mom to three boys. I love the idea that her kids are learning from example to reclaim things that will be able to serve a purpose even longer with a little work and creativity! Got check out her blog and see what creating she's doing!

On a totally unrelated note, my next project will be a graphite drawing, so keep a look out for that, and don't forget to vote for next months graphite drawing! That will be what you see me create for the month of October!

That's all for this week!


Monday, August 27, 2012

Lack of Inspiration?

There has been a decided lack of inspiration to draw since I started playing an awesome game: Skyrim.

Now, before you tell me that I'm behind the times, understand that I am NOT a competitive gamer AT ALL. I enjoy my games on my time and terms. This game just seems to have terms that involve taking all the free time I have. Ever.

Because I'm not competitive, I didn't pick this game up for months after its release, and technically, I'm simply playing someone else's copy.

However, I can safely say that I'm feeling inspired to not only create art, but I'm also on a repurposing kick. So be prepared to see posts regarding that.
